Breastfeeding is the best for babies and a healthy diet / maternal nutrition is important when breastfeeding. A decision not to breastfeed can be difficult to reverse. Infant formula is suitable from birth when babies are not breastfed. It is recommended that all formula milks be used on the advice of a doctor, midwife, health visitor, public health nurse, dietitian, pharmacist, or other professional responsible for maternal and child care and the financial implications should be considered. All preparation and feeding instructions should be followed carefully as inappropriate preparation could lead to health hazards.
Arora Valley answered:
April Lim Peirong answered:
Hong Hui Hui answered:
"Force feed after a few rounds of unsuccessful attempts. I tried mix with milk, give cheese after med, give treats(cakes, candies). Adverse effect of mixing in milk, my boy rejects milk for 3-4 days. Im so worried that I have to keep reminding him "mummy no put medicine in milk milk already" :( "
Hong Hui Hui answered:
"Also, very hard to gauge how much medicine did he consume if he didnt manage to finish his milk. So for the full benefit of the sick child, force feed follow by treats :) "
Jovial Tan Lizhen answered:
"Usually we will distract our child then faster put the medicine in her mouth. Else u can also put the medicine into milk. Normally I will check with doc to see if the medicine can be mix with milk. Leftover medicine must be discarded 3months after opening. The clinic staff will alys advise on how long the medicine can be keep after opening. If medicine not open, u can keep up to its expiry date stated on the bottle. "
Joy Tang Sok Mun answered:
"I also force feed using syringe (using spoon usually results in spillage), and my girl will be bawling all the way. Had to be careful because she sometimes cried till she gagged and ended up vomitting. So i usually give meds just before milk or food. After a certain phase, she started to accept what medicine was for and would take from spoon even though she was crying. For storage, it's best to follow instructions on the label. Not all need to be refrigerated, just a cool area not in direct sunlight will do (cupboard for me). Once expiry date up, discard. "
June Soo Woon Woon answered:
"I will keep the leftover medication in the fridge. According to hospital, you can keep up to 6months in the fridge, but I usually keep about 3months."
Sonia Yong Sui Fun answered:
"I ever tried mixing the medi into his milk. End up... He refused to drink milk for a couple of days. Now what I did is by force! "
Wendy Tan Suat Hoon answered:
"Back then for boy when he was younger, we force feed him the medicine. Unless the medicine is sweet, then he is more willing to take it. As he grows older, he understands that medicine is good for him, so not an issue anymore. However, I don't really think it is a good idea to put medicine in the milk. If your son don't finish the milk, then you will not be able to know how much medicine he consumes. also, putting medicine in the milk will change the taste of the milk, it might make him turn off milk. So better to separate medicine from milk. I always keep opened medicine for 3 months, after which I will discard. Somehow, I think the medicine seem to lose it effectiveness if kept too long. "
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