Breastfeeding is the best for babies and a healthy diet / maternal nutrition is important when breastfeeding. A decision not to breastfeed can be difficult to reverse. Infant formula is suitable from birth when babies are not breastfed. It is recommended that all formula milks be used on the advice of a doctor, midwife, health visitor, public health nurse, dietitian, pharmacist, or other professional responsible for maternal and child care and the financial implications should be considered. All preparation and feeding instructions should be followed carefully as inappropriate preparation could lead to health hazards.


How Do You Manage Your Kids Dinner? Simple & Healthy Dinner Meal Ideas



Arora Valley answered:

"All babies swallow some air when they drink milk. The air collects in the stomach, causing the child to feel uncomfortably full even before he has finished feeding. Excessive crying and sucking too rapidly during feeding will also cause excessive air in the baby's stomach. Burping helps to reduce the discomfort your baby feels after her feed as air is expelled from her stomach. To burp your baby, you may wish to adopt any of the following positions: 1. Over your shoulder- Hold your baby in an upright position against your chest, with her head resting on your shoulder. Now gently rub or pat on the baby's back using 'down to upward' movement until the burp is released. 2. On your knee- Sit your baby sideways on your knee. Support her head by placing your thumb and index finger under her jaw just below her ears. Gently pat and/or rub her back with your free hand using upward motion. 3. Over your knee- Lay your baby face down over your crossed legs. Position her so that your upper leg provides gentle pressure to her tummy. Support her head with one hand and pat or rub her back with your other. Sometimes a little or a lot of milk can come up with a burp. This is normal. Normally, babies outgrow it by the time they start eating solid foods. Feeding solids may bring in more air at first depending on how quickly they pick up good swallowing habits. Eating more slowly and calmly (avoid gulping), and chewing well should reduce air intake and aid digestion. You may also notice that they start to bring up air independently; as their digestive system matures, they will become better equipped to deal with swallowing air. Lastly, keep in mind that solids digest differently than milk. They may, especially at first, generate gas that you are not used to. So helping her burp can be comforting. To avoid any discomfort to your baby, burp her during a feed and at the end of the feed. If she cries excessively, try to burp her before the feed so that she will be able to take her feed well."


Most Loved Answer

Florencia Edith Wiria answered:

"Do you mind reheated home-cooked food for your kids? If you don't mind, you could prepare several simple dishes during weekend or the night before, then keep them in the fridge. When you arrive at home, just turn on the rice cooker and reheat the food. Probably will take about 30 min while they bathe. We usually cook extra amount of soups on weekend. Or for simplicity, I like to cook steam tofu. Mash silken / chinese tofu, mix with shredded veggie like carrots, corns and add in some minced pork / chicken, add 1 egg and seasonings (salt, pepper, etc.). Then put inside a steamer. While it's steamed, you could bathe or do other stuff. When done, you can let it cool before putting it in the fridge for the next day dinner. Can also replace the tofu with macaroni / pasta or noodle. If you have an oven, you could grill some chickens / meat / tomatoes, add seasonings on the meat and put some cheese. In about 30 min the food is usually done, together with the rice. However, to do this fast after getting home, it's good if you could prepare the ingredients the night before, so you only do the cooking the next day."


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Cherlyn Wong Shee Ling answered:

"How about getting a magic thermal pot? In the morning just throw in some ingredients + rice + water (or stock), boil then put into the thermal pot. By the end of the day, you will have a nice and nutritious porridge. You can make soup like that too... Ingredients you can put in include: Carrots, potatoes, brocolli, chicken or pork ribs. Can put in some wolfberries as well to sweeten the base. If you make soup, you can eat with rice, or put in some mee sua or macaroni in and boil. Very fast :)"


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Ng Swee Li answered:

"You can cook simple one pot meals like stews or soups. Can prepare the night before the ingredients and put them into a slow cooker to cook the next morning before you leave home. By the time you reach home, the food will be taste nice and delicious and ready to eat. The following food are good for stews/soups: Meat-Fish/Pork/Chicken/Beef Vegetable-Carrots/Brocolli /Sweet Potatoes/Potatoes/Brinjals/Old cumcumber/Radish/Tomatoes Mix and match in any way you like and you can have a healthy delicious meal everyday."


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alvin answered:

"We will prepare the food in advance and freeze it in the fridge. Whenever required, we will use microwave oven to heat up the food. Hope it helps."


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Susie Lit answered:

"My girl is allergy to rice. So I have been using the oven a lot to prepare meals for her. It is really fast and easy to cook healthy bake rice or pasta for kids with the oven. And there are so many variations to do. And you can also top it up with a soup e.g pumpkin or ABC with the help of a slow cooker. The down side is you will be cooking western meals most of the time."


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